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Has ESG Changed The Investment Industry?

16 November 2022

Has ESG changed the investment industry?

This article examines the impact ESG has impacted both investors and the investment industry alike.

Around 20 or 30 years ago investing was largely based on a fairly straightforward paradigm: risk and return. This theory posits that potential return rises in line with risk; the greater the risk you take, the greater return you might yield, writes Christopher Edwards, partner in Mourantā€™s Guernsey litigation and dispute resolution team.

Now there is a third factor as we experience something of a paradigm shift in investing and wealth management: environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations. This factor is also referred to as sustainability, green or impact investing.

Whatever you call it, many individuals are increasingly casting an eye over the environmental and social ramifications of their investing.

What has caused the paradigm shift, and what does it mean for trustees?

ESG then and now

First, we should say that considering ESG factors is not a new concern for many investors, some have always had it on their agenda, albeit by a different name.

Quite often, even Ultra High Net Worth (UHNW) philanthropic commitments were to organisations or causes based around environmentalism or doing social good. Later, ā€˜impact investingā€™ ā€“ targeting capital towards achieving ā€˜goodā€™ outcomes for our society or the planet, while still generating returns ā€“ became a popular concept. Now, ESG is the preferred term.

Approaches to ESG among both mainstream and Ultra High Net Worth investors are highly personal and variable, but there is no doubt that an increasing number of investors are asking about it and how it is factored into their structuring, portfolios and wealth management. Partly this is due to a general greater interest in newsworthy phenomena like climate change.

Regulation is also playing its part. A Barnett Waddingham survey for Investment Monitor saw 91% of respondents say that evolving regulation and legal requirements are a key factor in why they take into account ESG considerations in their investment decision-making and implementation.

This is hardly surprising when you learn that the number of ESG regulations and standards globally almost doubled from 2016 to 2021.

Regulation and both consumer and public demand are combining to put pressure on institutions, who are responding in kind and feeding the paradigm shift.

Blackrockā€™s Larry Fink is a renowned proponent of ESG, writing in his 2022 Letter to CEOs: ā€œMost stakeholders ā€“ from shareholders, to employees, to customers, to communities, and regulators ā€“ now expect companies to play a role in decarbonising the global economy.ā€

A paradigm shift is rarely caused by a single factor, and multiple influences have collided to evolve investors and fiduciariesā€™ approach to risk and return.

mark-carney-climate-change speech

This is no fad. The world is truly in the midst of a climate emergency, which could have drastic consequences for markets, companies and, therefore, our clientsā€™ assets. Mark Carney climate change and financial stability speech at Lloydā€™s of London 2019

Can Ultra High Net Worth investors have it all?

The only way the focus can evolve from two-factor risk and return is if the addition of ESG consideration actually adds up when viewed through the lens of investment yield.

If the notion that impact investing and returns are mutually exclusive has not yet been totally debunked, at the very least the evidence is mounting that reasonable returns can be achieved while investing with a conscience.

Saffery Champnessā€™ Phil Radford is very open about the fact that their best-performing portfolio over the past 15 years is a sustainability one, and more and more trustees are coming to the realisation that managing assets with an eye on their impact is compelling.

You can see the case from an Ultra High Net Worth investor perspective. The very nature of sustainable investing ā€“ whether in clean energy, electric cars, or biotech ā€“ is inherently long term, which is how many investors view their horizon.

Trustees are also increasingly wrangling with how this focus is reconciled with their fiduciary duty.

In the Channel Islands, the International Sustainability Institute Channel Islands (ISICI) has produced a three-step framework for encouraging trustees to ā€œensure assets under their stewardship are invested according to sustainability principles and with regard to [ESG] factorsā€.

This, ISICIā€™s report claims, is not only in line with 21st century fiduciary duty it is: ā€œin tandem with their traditional core duty to preserve and enhance capital.ā€

There is a compelling case, then, that the longstanding risk-and-return paradigm has embraced its third component, and thereā€™s no turning back. But this neednā€™t be to the detriment of capital preservation or enhancement; a new paradigm presents new opportunities, ones that are perhaps even further augmented in the post-pandemic recovery cycle of low growth.

Larry Fink summarises Blackrockā€™s motivation quite succinctly: ā€œWe focus on sustainability not because weā€™re environmentalists, but because we are capitalists and fiduciaries to our clients.ā€

Further reading :

Learn more about ESG tnvesting

Learn about TAM ESG Portfolios

What Is A DFM?

Understanding Investment 'Risk Washing'

Take a deep dive into what Discretionary Fund Management is all about and review the presentation of a portfolio statement
