Financial Planning

Who Are TAM?

TAM Sustainable World Portfolios

TAM Asset Management Ltd and TAM International are award-winning discretionary investment management companies with decades of industry experience in offering forward-thinking portfolio management services which include the 5 risk adjusted TAM Sustainable World (ESG) portfolios to individual clients and institutions around the world.

TAM's team of expert investment professionals believe that every investor should have access to actively managed, diversified investment portfolios regardless of their level of wealth. This principle is also a priority for the UK's FCA, and forms part of its mission to ensure that no group of potential investors are denied access to investment services.

The TAM Sustainable World (ESG) portfolios service provides investors with a range of environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment portfolios designed to protect and grow wealth in a socially responsible manner.


What is ethical investing?

What Is Ethical Investing?

Ethical investing considers its impact on the wider world. It integrates a range of factors into its decision-making processes to ensure that no investment supports potentially damaging industries.

Ethical investing pays attention to a range of issues such as climate change, water management, workplace management, ethical innovation, employee diversity, human rights and labour policies and practice. Ethical investing is not philanthropy, while it’s concerned with protecting society and the environment from further harm, its simultaneous goal is to build wealth.

Our planet is experiencing worrying environmental and social pressures. Many argue that the future of humankind hangs in precarious balance. Our next steps and decisions will determine which way the scales tilt and that is pushing many people to think very carefully about their choices, including how they invest. A focus on ethical funds means we can contribute positively to our world – while also benefiting financially.

James Penny CIO (Chief Investment Officer) at TAM explains in his ESG webinar presentation the compelling rationale behind ESG investing and why investors need to take note.

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How Do TAM Sustainable World Portfolios Work?

Everyone's definition of 'ethical' is different and as such, so is everyone's idea of ethical / esg investment. The same applies to fund managers that market their funds as ethical - not all will share the same views or adopt the same strategy for selecting stocks for their funds. Ethical / esg investing has dramatically evolved over the years and today there is a wide variety of ethical investment styles available.


What is ethical investing?

Negative Screening & TAM Sustainable World Portfolios

The most traditional form of ethical investing, negative screening excludes specific companies or industries from the investment universe that do not adhere to a fund’s pre-determined ethical criteria. These companies will typically produce products or services, or have business practices, that do not align with investors’ moral principles.

Common exclusions include companies involved in the production or distribution of alcohol, tobacco, armaments and pornography.

TAM include funds in their portfolios that embrace negative screening.

Positive Screening & TAM Sustainable World Portfolios

Ethical investing can be approached from an alternative angle through positive screening, which concentrates on inclusion rather than exclusion. The aim is to identify companies that are making a positive contribution to society and/or the environment through the products or services they provide. Positive screening criteria may include companies that are involved in creating renewable energy, tackling poverty and promoting ethical employment practices.

TAM include funds in their portfolios that embrace positive screening.


Engagement is often carried out in conjunction with the other approaches to ethical investing. Its focus is on talking to company management about ways in which they can improve their practices and standards. Targets are often set and funds will generally disinvest in a company if it fails to meet those targets for improvement.

Impact Investing

Impact investing aims to support companies producing tangible benefits to society and/or the environment, alongside financial returns. The key factor that differentiates impact investing from positive screening is the emphasis on measurement and intentionality. Companies must be able to quantify the impact they are generating, which should be intentional as opposed to being simply a by-product of a process already in place. The benefit of this is to encourage accountability and transparency.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

The broadest of definitions. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations are being integrated into the investment processes of a growing number of funds, including mainstream funds which do not have an explicit ethical focus.

Funds are recognising the benefits of considering ESG factors from a risk mitigation perspective. They recognize that firms which do not take these considerations seriously are at risk of suffering tangible losses as a result of poor practices, which ultimately impacts share price.


TAM's approach to ethical investing

TAM Sustainable World Portfolio Investment Process

TAM's investment managers follow a rigorous process when selecting funds for the TAM Sustainable World (ESG) portfolios, conducting extensive research into the universe of ethical investments. This includes one-on-one meetings with fund managers followed by detailed desk-based analysis looking further into the fund’s investment process, portfolio positioning and performance.

The team will only select a fund that has proven to deliver on its ethical mandate, adhering to their stringent and comprehensive investment process which screens stocks to ensure only companies with ethical business or activities are included.

The TAM Investment Portfolios

There is a blend of ethical investment styles incorporated into the TAM Sustainable World (ESG) portfolios.

TAM want to take full advantage of the developments that have taken place in the ethical market in order to deliver a broader and more diverse ethical investment strategy. TAM's aim is to appeal to a wide range of socially responsible investors and provide portfolios that best suit their ethical, as well as financial requirements.


Risk-graded portfolio options

Risk Adjusted TAM Sustainable World (ESG) Portfolio Options

Clients can select an investment portfolio that most closely reflects their investment return objectives and attitude to risk. TAM offer five risk graded portfolios that span the risk spectrum from more defensive, lower risk returns, through to higher risk, equity based investment returns.

Additionally the Liquidity Plus portfolio provides investors with an ideal vehicle to capture the best bank interest rates when markets are perceived to be too risky.


The diagram is for illustrative purposes only. The value of investments, and the income from them, may go down as well as up and may fall below the amount initially invested. Weightings may deviate from these levels at the Investment Team's discretion whilst staying within specific guidelines, so the above asset allocation is intended as a guide only.

Sustainable World Portfolio Example

TAM Sustainable World Portfolio Construction

TAM use diversification across asset class, geographical focus, and underlying funds to spread risk and exposure. The below shows a snapshot of the asset allocation and fund selection of a Sustainable World Balanced portfolio may invest in.


Diagram representative of a TAM Sustainable World GBP Balanced portfolio. Actual funds purchased will depend on market dynamics and timing, and weightings may deviate at the Investment Team's discretion whilst staying


Key Features Of TAM Sustainable World Portfolios

Key Advantages Of The 5 Risk Graded TAM Sustainable World Portfolios

Low cost

Access to professional discretionary management without incurring premium costs.

A range of risk graded portfolios

The portfolios span the risk spectrum from a Defensive, lower risk grading, to an Adventurous grading with a higher equity content.

TAM platform

The portfolios run on TAM’s innovative platform, which allows instant valuations, performance information and asset exposure analysis.

International investment and increased diversification

The service allows for a broadly diversified investment solutions including an international element in line with the risk profile selected.

Pre-investment report

TAM produce a comprehensive report which clearly focuses on investment objectives, risk rating and asset allocation. This is provided to all clients before they invest with TAM.


You can invest directly into one of the portfolios, or use them as an underlying asset for an ISA, SIPP, Pension, Workplace Pension, Trust or a Life Assurance wrapped product.


TAM provide the highest levels of transparency for assets and costs in line with, and often exceeding, that required by the industry.

Fast and simple application process

We advise, guide and assist clients in effecting TAM ESG portfolios and making available online reports.

Socially Responsible Associations

TAM is a proud member of the United Kingdom Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF), who inform, influence and connect UK finance, policymakers and the public achieve a vision of a fair, inclusive and sustainable financial system that works for the benefit of society and the environment.


TAM is regularly involved in UKSIF's annual Good Money Week campaign, bringing together financial advisers, charities, faith communities, student groups and financial institutions to help grow and raise awareness of the benefits of ethical investment and finance.

The campaign seeks to let everyone know, regardless of background or income, that they have sustainable and ethical options when it comes to their finances, so that we can all have a positive impact on the environment and society without sacrificing our wealth.

Review the detail and clarity provided in a TAM portfolio valuation.

Learn more about ESG investing here.

Alternate TAM Portfolios

Clients looking for alternate TAM portfolios may wish to consider:

Active & dynamic portfolios offering a range of risk graded options.

Income focused portfolios designed for clients seeking investment income

Sharia complient portfolios that comply with Islamic law.

Liquidity Plus portfolio provides investors with an ideal vehicle to capture the best bank interest rates when markets are perceived to be too risky.