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It was awful. It was the most traumatic thing ever. We knew that he recognised our voices, as he tried to cough out the tube. We then saw the tears rolling down his face - it was very very distressing. As much as we'd like to be talking to dad regularly, putting him and ourselves through that is just too much. Diane Sutton - Peters' Daughter
A family from Northampton UK are desperately trying to raise funds to bring their critically ill father home from Manila.
Peter Robinson, 66-years-old, has been almost completely paralysed after a stroke and can only move his eyes.
His daughters say the hospital in Olongapo City, about 80 miles from the capital, Manila, will not discharge him unless they pay bills of tens of thousands of pounds.
Peter, a former firefighter who has lived in the Philippines for five years, had the stroke on the 9th of June.
Since then, his family have managed once to see him in hospital via Skype, and say it was heart-breaking.
Peter does not have medical insurance and his family say the hospital have told them they cannot discharge him until his medical bills are paid.
The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office told ITV News Anglia that this is a situation they have seen before, and that anyone travelling abroad should make sure they have insurance.
Peter had the stroke on the 9th of June. So far the charge for his hospital bed is £6400. His medication costs £250 per day and there's a charge for each visit by a doctor or nurse. So far the total is £9000.
The hospital has asked for £2400 to perform a tracheostomy, and gastrostomy. The family are using Peter's pension to pay for some of those costs, but say they are mounting by the day.
A trained flight nurse has offered to escort Peter home free of charge, but for the flight they have been quoted almost £19,000.
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office say they are aware of Peter's situation, and are giving consular assistance.
The family say they just wish he had expat medical insurance 'It just doesn't make sense to go anywhere abroad for either a holiday or any length of time without insurance.'
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