Financial Planning

Global Expat Medical Insurance

Global Peace Of Mind

The IMG Global Expat Medical Insurance plans provide long-term (1+ year), annually renewable, comprehensive worldwide medical insurance for individuals and families.

IMG provide the reassurance and world-class claims service you expect.

Being a global citizen can be an exciting experience, but it also comes with potential complications.Your health care while traveling should not be one of those concerns.

Global Medical Insurance allows you to choose from several plan options and as such you may customise your cover and select from multiple deductibles and modes of payment.


Long-term (1+ year) comprehensive worldwide medical insurance for individuals and families

Annually renewable medical coverage

Deductible options from $100 to $25,000

Maximum limits from $1,000, 000 to $8,000,,000

COVID-19 covered same as any other illness.

Suitable For

Visitors / Immigrants

Expats / Global Citizens

With your medical history in mind, the IMG plans provide different underwriting methods to extend medical coverage to you that may be declined by other companies.

IMG also offer a Medical Concierge program, an unparalleled service that saves you on out-of-pocket medical expenses.

IMG waive 50% of your deductible for choosing to receive treatment from some of the best medical facilities when outside the U.S. - for expats this is a major feature.

You need the proper worldwide coverage, provided by a company that’s there for you when you need them most.

When you select Global Medical Insurance, you receive IMG’s promise to deliver exceptional medical benefits, medical assistance and service — all designed to give you Global Peace of Mind.

IMG Global Medical Insurance FAQ's

The Global Medical Insurance FAQs below address the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the IMG Global Medical Insurance plan.

If after reading the FAQ's your question isn’t answered here, please contact us