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The IMG GMI plan is designed for any international living and working abroad outside of his or her home country. IMG typically cover expatriates, global nomads, retirees, missionaries, and students. The plan will also cover local nationals (outside of the USA) needing coverage in their home country and abroad.
• Coverage for professionals, individuals or families living or working abroad.
• Contract employees living and working abroad.
• Seniors who reside six months or longer outside the U.S. per year.
• Digital nomads who travel the globe and need coverage worldwide.
This plan is available to individuals and families of all nationalities.
U.S. citizens must plan to leave the U.S. on or before their effective date (or renewal date) and reside outside the U.S. for at least 6 out of the next 12 months.
Coverage for non-U.S. citizens is worldwide, although certain eligibility restrictions may apply to non-U.S. citizens residing in the U.S.
Persons from the ages of 14 days to 74 years old may apply for coverage.
The IMG Global Medical is a medically underwritten plan, which means that your family’s medical status and history will be used to determine your eligibility for coverage.
Once you have submitted your application it will be reviewed by an underwriter, the underwriters respond they will either:
• Issue coverage and complete your application
• Request further documentation regarding your past medical history
• Apply a rider to your coverage that limits or excludes certain medical conditions
• Apply a premium increase due to your medical and/or family history
• Deny coverage
You will be notified of the status of your application once complete or if further information is needed. If a rider or premium increase is added to your plan you will be notified. If you are issued a rider you will be provided with a 30 day ‘free look’ period.
If you do not like the proposed coverage terms, you can simply cancel coverage within the 30-day free look and you will receive a full refund of your premium.
Subject to the terms of the plan, this plan is annually renewable, and coverage is continuous when renewed.
Prior to the end of each period of coverage (12 months), you will receive renewal information.
You must continue to meet the eligibility requirements outlined above to renew. You have the option to renew online, or you may complete a paper application. There are no additional medical questions at renewal, and we can work with you to provide flexible renewal options.
Please select your deductible and plan option carefully, as you will be unable to select a lower deductible or increase your plan option when you renew your coverage.
The IMG Global Medical plan can be purchased online using a credit card or debit card.
When applying for the plan, you will be able to choose your frequency of payment from paying annually, semi-annually, quarterly, or monthly.
Keep in mind that there are higher administrative costs the more frequent the payment – or discounts if you pay in full in advance.
While your payment details are required to be included on your online application, your card will not be charged until the underwriting review process has been completed.
Lifetime medical coverage is available if you are enrolled in the plan by your 65th birthday and maintain continuous coverage to age 75.
Before your 75th birthday, you will receive a summary of benefits for a new plan, Global Senior Plan®, and an enrolment form for coverage.
There is no additional medical underwriting. You simply need to review the benefits, and complete and return the enrolment form with your premium.
IMG are confident that you will be pleased with the full terms of coverage.
To ensure your satisfaction, once you are accepted into the plan IMG provide a 15 day period to review the fulfilment kit contents.
If during that 15 day period you find that you are not satisfied with the plan for any reason, you may submit a written request for cancellation and full refund of your premium. See the Certificate of Insurance for full details.
Cancellation requests received after this 15 day period will be granted at the sole discretion of IMG as the plan administrator.
Any refund you may receive will be based on an established refund schedule, not a pro-rated basis. See the Certificate of Insurance for full details.
Usual Reasonable and Customary, or URC, is a term that insurance companies use to describe a limitation on their responsibility to pay for eligible medical expenses. Basically, URC refers to the fee typically charged by a provider for a specific procedure in a specific geographic area.
You can instantly access a list of providers and facilities within the IMG’s PPO and International Doctor Network online. The directories allow you to search by location, physician or facility name, or specialty.
If you require treatment outside the U.S., we provide you access to our International Provider AccessSM (IPA), a database that includes more than 17,000 highly qualified physicians and facilities that encompass a comprehensive array of specialties to handle any health care emergency. Our direct billing arrangements can also ease the time and upfront expense at select providers.
Please use this link to https://ipa.imglobal.com/
The IMG Global Expat Medical Insurance plans provide long-term (1+ year), annually renewable, comprehensive worldwide medical insurance for individuals and families.
IMG provide the reassurance and world-class claims service you expect.
Being a global citizen can be an exciting experience, but it also comes with potential complications.Your health care while traveling should not be one of those concerns.
Global Medical Insurance allows you to choose from several plan options and as such you may customise your cover and select from multiple deductibles and modes of payment.
Long-term (1+ year) comprehensive worldwide medical insurance for individuals and families
Annually renewable medical coverage
Deductible options from $100 to $25,000
Maximum limits from $1,000, 000 to $8,000,,000
COVID-19 covered same as any other illness.
Visitors / Immigrants
Expats / Global Citizens
With your medical history in mind, the IMG plans provide different underwriting methods to extend medical coverage to you that may be declined by other companies.
IMG also offer a Medical Concierge program, an unparalleled service that saves you on out-of-pocket medical expenses.
IMG waive 50% of your deductible for choosing to receive treatment from some of the best medical facilities when outside the U.S. - for expats this is a major feature.
You need the proper worldwide coverage, provided by a company that’s there for you when you need them most.
When you select Global Medical Insurance, you receive IMG’s promise to deliver exceptional medical benefits, medical assistance and service — all designed to give you Global Peace of Mind.
The Global Medical Insurance FAQs below address the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the IMG Global Medical Insurance plan.
If after reading the FAQ's your question isn’t answered here, please contact us