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Every journey requires a 'roadmap'
financial planning is no different.
Our process and how you benefit
Our advice process is designed to be simple yet thorough to provide the best possible outcomes for you and your family thus making your financial goals a reality.
The four steps to achieving comprehensive expat financial plans:
(1) Planning - the first stage of the expat financial planning process starts with a comprehensive ‘fact-find’. This is where we gather both hard and soft facts from you to ascertain what your current circumstances are and what objectives you have. We use a confidential 'Client Review' document to collate these details.
Our analysis will alert us to both potential pitfalls and opportunities for your specific circumstances which we will discuss in detail with you either in written format or via an online video meeting dependent upon your preferences.
(2) Execution - Having considered all relevant personal details and once again after further written or video consultation with you, we will recommend and advise the best course of actions to achieve your financial planning goals whether it be to financially protect yourself or family, saving towards retirement or investing capital sums for income or growth. We will assist in setting up the financial planning products and services that will meet your objectives.
(3) Review - In order to ensure that your financial plans remain on target to achieve your outcomes, periodic reviews are performed.
(4) Adjust - If as a result of our periodic reviews and after further discussions with you we may recommend making adjustments to your plans to ensure your objectives remain on target.
1. Plan
2. Execute
3. Review
4. Adjust