Our site search facility enables you to look for content both within our main site and also our blog pages.
The first time a search is performed all pages are scraped for content which may take a few seconds to complete depending on your internet connectivity speed.
If you wish to search for a specific term or phrase please enable the 'ab' button within the search dialogue box
At CSM Expat Financial Planning we are committed to safeguarding and preserving the privacy of our visitors.
This Privacy Policy explains what happens to any personal data that you provide to us, or that we collect from you while you visit our site.
We update this Policy from time to time, so please do review it regularly.
In running and maintaining our website we may collect and process the following data about you:
_utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz
Site Analytics
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Google - you may opt-out of Google Analytics tracking by clicking here
Targeting cookies
In common with many other websites we use social media cookies from sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Google. When you are logged into any of these services they will know when you visit csmltd.com as well as every other website that also uses their services. You are consenting to this when you log in to these services. CSM Expat Financial Planning cannot see any of this information.
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Google Social Sharing
Google - please refer to the Google privacy policy for more info please click here
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Twitter Social Sharing
Twitter - for more information on Twitter cookies please click here
Use of your information
We use the information that we collect from you to provide our services to you. In addition to this we may use the information for one or more of the following purposes: